Blog Me Maybe: Friday Funny
Today’s topic: Friday fun!
Today’s topic: Friday fun!
Today’s topic: May I tell you something about someone else? Today, I’d like to talk about one of the best fantasy characters ever created: Drizzt Do’Urden. Never heard of him? Well, that’s okay. There’s a first time for everything. Drizzt is a fictional character set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting of Dungeons and dragons. […]
Today’s Topic: May I ask you something about yourself? Can you get down like this? Oh, you can? But can you do it in MOONBOOTS?
Today’s topic: May I tell you something about myself? I LOVE ANIME! The first anime I ever saw was back in 11th grade: Fist of the North Star. I remember watching it and thinking, WOOOOWWWWWW. Then the same boy who introduced me to that anime, showed me Ninja Scroll. CLASSIC. From there, I grabbed any […]
I missed Friday…Anywho, today’s topic: FUN! I’m a huge Star Wars fan and now my toddler is faling in love with it too. He seems to only be a fan of Darth Vader, but maybe that’s because we met him at ICON. In honor of one of the most epric, series, EVER, I give you […]
Today’s topic: May I ask something about you? What’s your favorite movie, and no, you can’t pick more than one. Mine went from Princess Bride to Dude Where’s My car to the best movie ever (Braveheart is a very close second) THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO.
Today’s topic: May I ask something about you? What’s your favorite movie, and no, you can’t pick more than one. Mine went from Princess Bride to Dude Where’s My car to the best movie ever (Braveheart is a very close second) THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO.
Today’s topic: May I tell you something about myself? I graduated from Dowling College with a bachelors degree in Communication Arts–their version of graphic arts. And this is what I learned: Photoshop. Yup, that’s me and me husband. I made that when we first started dating and posted it on myspace as our wedding pic. […]
Today’s topic: May I tell you something about writing? I love writing prompts. They can be words or pictures, but I always prefer them 100 words or less. It can be a poem, flash fiction, or a freeflow of thoughts spilling out on the page. Below is a picture, I’ll use as today’s prompt. The […]
It’s Friday! and Today I’m going to share something funny with you. Below is a video parody of Dungeons and Dragons. Hilarious. Being an ex-tabletop player, I can tell you this is all so true, lol.