You’ve Been Bamboozled

Posted January 14, 2012 by elizatilton in Uncategorized / 7 Comments

Merriam-Webster defines the word bamboozle as to confuse, frustrate or throw off completely. Last week Writer’s Digest bamboozled me…

Back in November, I entered their YA short story contest. I thought my entry rocked. Emails went out stating winners would be notified by 12/31. Last week I go to the mailbox and find an envelope from <drumroll> WRITER’S DIGEST! WOOT.

Immediately, I started sweating. Could this be it? Could I have really won? Am I going to open this and find a check for $1000???? SQEEAAALLLL

Nope, nothing like that. It was a flyer for a discount off a subscription to Writer’s Digest.

Chances are I didn’t win and that’s okay. I’ve already started searching out different publications. I know it’s good. It’s just a matter of finding the perfect home.

What about you? Ever been bamboozled?


7 responses to “You’ve Been Bamboozled

  1. That suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.

    I get bamboozled by Craigslist like every other day because I'm dumb enough to apply for jobs on the site and then the same 4 emails write me back and want a copy of my *atrocious* credit score. Same wording and everything. Hotmail groups the emails together.

    Stupid craigslist.

  2. Oh man. What a dreadful feeling. I was bamboozled back in university. Thought I had won a trip, but really I had "won" an opportunity for a discount on a trip IF I bought some of the company's products first.

    • I remember getting a letter in the mail stating I had won $10,000. I drove all the way to my mom's job, in tears, to tell her the good news…yea, I didn't win anything. lol

  3. Great post. Awhile back I got an email from(shall remain nameless) publishing company that said I was a winner. I got all excited because I'd been trying forever to get published through them and then a few days later whoops another email stating they had made a mistake I didn't really win. I WAS BAMBOOZLED!

    • I had that happen with an agent on a query letter. The e-mail asked to re-submit because of an error. An hour later I recieved another e-mail stating oops—you're really rejected.