Posted September 13, 2012 by elizatilton in Uncategorized / 6 Comments

I wasn’t sure if I was going to post anything, but one of things about being a  writer is stating the truth. All the ugly and all of the good whether it be in our characters or in life. 
So here’s me, being real.
found out about two weeks ago that my BFF growing up killed herself. Why do I
say growing up and not today, well, because we grew apart like most
people do, but I feel that the gap was more on me.
few years ago my friend started making the transition from a woman to a
man. It started with a haircut, then a name change, then breast
removal, then hormones to grow facial hair. It’s a drastic change, but
that’s what she felt she needed to do.
had a hard time accepting it. Very hard. We both stopped calling, she
moved away and we saw each other occasionally at mutual friend’s events. A
few months ago she tried getting in touch with me to see how I was
doing. What did I do? Ignore her. Not because I didn’t care, but because
I didn’t know what to say. Not only was I uncomfortable with the transformation but I couldn’t picture it. Any time I thought of her, it would be how she took two hours to do her hair and makeup–longer than me! And now she had bigger muscles than my husband. Then I got pregnant and busy and she slipped
my mind. I assumed I’d get the nerve to tell her why I was having a
hard time with everything, but I was a chicken. I figured I would just come out and say it and we’d take it from there. I never expected her to commit suicide.
And now she’s gone. I don’t know if she thought I didn’t care. I pray that she knew me well enough to know I did. Of course I wonder if she had tried reaching out to me like she had in the past because she trusted me. I don’t know if I could’ve changed anything, but I could’ve at least been there.
was the girl who took me in when I ran away. Helped me when people
messed with me in HS and had my back in every sense of the way.
the end I didn’t have her’s and there’s no way to fix it. I wonder what
was going through her head in the end, and I can’t stand it that I
failed her in her darkest hour.  I’m ashamed and filled
with deep regret. The only promise I can make is I will never brush off
one of my friends again. I’ll always be honest, no matter how
uncomfortable the topic may be. I know she would’ve understood. I just
don’t know why it’s only now that I realize that.
If you’re ever in this situation, don’t do what I did. Love is supposed to be unconditional  and those people we have a hard time with are the ones that need it the most.


6 responses to “RIP CP

  1. Eliza, this is heart-wrenching. It takes guts to say all of this, and to be honest about your own confusion and inability to be there for your friend. I will not forget this, and I'm sure that's true of everyone who reads it. That's something.